The most powerful sex organ is the mind, and one of the most powerful sexual enhancements is the intense sensation of being mesmerized. Be led into exquisite, powerful sensations of pleasure in the privacy of your home.

Experience your fantasies. Explore all the myriad dimensions of sexuality and push the limits of your own imagination. Listen to my voice, sultry, beguiling, mesmerizing, seductive as you feel your breathing becoming slow and deep.

Feel yourself sinking down into your chair. Feel it support your body as your muscles relax and your resistance melts away. Background sounds fade off into the distance as your reality becomes only the sound of my voice, with the world around you as illusory as a dream.

Your reality is now, and now is deep inside your mind, carried away by the sound of my voice until nothing exists but this moment in time. Deeply entranced, you explore a hidden world of sensation, aural pleasures and incredible arousal.

Feel my power.

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